Zillow’s Breakeven Horizon for Rent vs. Buy
When clients are considering buying, they often ask us if it is cheaper to buy or rent. Well, Zillow has just released their Breakeven Horizon for 2015 Q4.
When clients are considering buying, they often ask us if it is cheaper to buy or rent. Well, Zillow has just released their Breakeven Horizon for 2015 Q4.
Seattle condo Zillow market trends. Read and view an infographic on the housing market trends in Seattle.
Looks like more folks are "battening down the hatches" as Zillow's Barton said. Here are some excerpts from Seattle real estate startups regarding their cut backs. I have to say I hope [...]
The Seattle Post Intelligent reported on Zillow’s latest real estate hot spots report. The report pegged the median home value in Green Lake at $521,916 in June -- up by an [...]