Seattle Condo News: Backing Out of a Purchase

  A client of mine sent this news article today that I thought is worth mentioning.  <Thanks Harold!>  It doesn't come as a surprise given the bubble's bursting last year to hear about some [...]

Escala Update

  Since we won't be hearing of new projects breaking ground anytime soon. I thought I would focus on condos completing next year. Let's start in Midtown. Escala (currently, Seattle's largest condominium project under construction) [...]

Seattle Condos 2.0

Though many new condos like Escala, Vulcan’s projects, Cosmopolitan and Hotel 1 have been receiving a lot of attention in recent months, many home buyers are wondering "what’s next?" For those [...]

Cars and Condos

Since every condo project has its own personality and positioning in the market. I thought it would be fun to describe buying a condo like buying a car. Both are big [...]

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