Queen Anne High School

Puget Sound Business Journal
and Seattle Times PI recently reported about the lawsuit brought on by Queen Anne High School homeowners against the project's developer. The judge has ordered the developer to pay QAHS's HOA $9.4 million in liability and legal fees. 

"The lawsuit alleged leaks and cracks in the building, including such defects as exposed, unprotected drywall and wood framing, substandard windows and drains, missing and ineffective flashing, insufficient weatherproofing and unprotected joints. Reported damage includes water-stained drywall, covered-up rotted deck sheeting, water-damaged plywood, mortar turned to sand and powder, and cracked and flaking bricks and terra cotta."
(Source: Seattle PI)

If you recalled, the project was converted in the summer of 2006 and completed sometime in 2007 and had a successful close out auction in 2009. Matt over at Urbnlivn has the time line on the suit. It's quite amazing within a few years, the owners discovered the problems, sued the developer and won the lawsuit with such a substantial judgement. What a speedy process! I wonder which firm they hired. It must be a relief for the homeowners. Now, the hard part is probably going through all the repair work. Being through one myself for 1 1/2 years while living in a condo, I sympathize with what the owners will have to go through. On the bright side, when it's completed, it's just going to make Queen Anne High School that much more desirable as a livable historic condo. 

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Queen Anne Condo Auction-by the numbers
Updates on Queen Anne High School
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By Wendy Leung with Seattle Condo Review. A guide to Seattle condos exclusively for buyers and sellers.