Seattle is Officially the Hottest Real Estate Market in the Nation

According to new data from S&P Case-Shiller National Home Price Index, Seattle is now the hottest real estate market in the nation. Seattle's home prices rose 11% between September 2015 and 2016.

Soaring Appreciation in Seattle with Cheapest Homes Seeing Biggest Increase

In this recent article by the Seattle times, they do a great job of highlighting the “soaring” 11.4% pricing increases of homes in the Greater Seattle area, but one key thing we have to keep in mind, which often gets overlooked by generalized statistics, is that real estate market trends are very local, and can vary widely from county to county, city to city, and even from neighborhood to neighborhood within the same city. Seattle’s market is very local.

Join us for Condos Over Coffee 6/29 – strategies to compete for condos in this fast paced market

This month join me at Top Pot in Capitol Hill where we will discuss strategies to compete for condos in the fast paced Seattle condo market, including tactics on choosing the right lender that will help your offer be more attractive to seller’s and their listing broker.

Lawsuits, Land Prices & WA State Condo Laws all to Blame for Rising Condo Costs in Seattle?

I’ve been saying for years, that one way our city and state can help address affordable housing within our skyrocketing condo market, is to address the issue that developers are afraid to build condos! Why are they afraid? Because they know they are going to get sued by the HOA’s, and to prepare for that, they have to pad the development budget by driving up the cost of the condo units to make up for the expense.

By |2019-08-23T18:43:12+00:00June 22nd, 2016|General Opinion, Seattle Condos|0 Comments

Own an Investment Condo or Thinking About Buying One?

If you own a rental condo right now or are thinking about investing in one there are many factors you should consider and several important laws to keep in mind to ensure you are running your real estate investments successfully.

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