New Construction & Pre-Sale Condo Update

In light of our recent blog post about Developer InHaus calling it quits on Solo Lofts condo project in Ballard along with a recent report that a Canadian developer might go with condos on their new proposed 1,200 unit project in South Lake Union, I thought it might be a good time to pause and review the presale condo market.

Update: Seattle New Construction Condo Comparison

Back in April, we created a chart comparing the new construction condo options here in the city so you could see what options were out there for newly built condos. Many things have changed since then, including Solo Lofts and Salt turning into apartments and the addition of two new buildings, Hendon in Phinney Ridge and Gridiron in Pioneer Square. We have updated the chart and wanted to share that with our readers.

Solo Lofts Cancelling Pre-sale Contracts – another one bites the dust, sadly

According to another Broker in our office, whose clients were in contract on a pre-sale unit, Solo Lofts in Ballard is cancelling all of their pre-sale contracts and will return all earnest deposits to the buyers due to unforeseen delays and a dispute with their contractors.

Solo Lofts in Ballard Reaches Full Height & Has Only 2 Units Left

Seattle condo review: Solo Lofts in Ballard reaches full height with only 2 units remaining for sale. Solo Lofts, the new construction condominium building in Ballard, has just announced that they have reached full height, which is 7 stories. Read more about this upcoming Seattle development.

By |2019-08-23T18:43:17+00:00March 16th, 2015|Ballard condos|0 Comments

Update on Under Construction Seattle Condos – Insignia, Luma, Solo Lofts & Vik

Update on under construction Seattle condos: Insignia, Luma, Solo Lofts, and Vik. There are 4 condominium buildings under construction currently in Seattle and we wanted to provide an update on the current construction status of those 4 buildings for you. See photos and read more about these upcoming Seattle condo developments.

Solo Lofts in Ballard Releases Floor Plans & Grand Opening Party Announced

New Seattle condos: Solo Lofts in Ballard has released their floor plans and announced their invitation only Grand Opening Party. These new condos feature open one bedroom and standard one bedroom homes from 523 to 727 square feet and 2 bedroom units ranging from 840 to 1131 square feet.

By |2019-08-23T18:43:22+00:00January 8th, 2014|Ballard condos|0 Comments

New Condo Building in Ballard Announced – Solo Lofts

Seattle condo review: pre-sale announced for Solo Lofts condominiums in Ballard. Solo Lofts, a 20 unit loft building in Ballard is set to begin pre-sales in January of 2014. It is the 2nd confirmed condo building being built in Seattle since the recession, Insignia Towers being the 1st.

By |2019-08-23T18:43:22+00:00November 14th, 2013|Ballard condos, Seattle Condos|0 Comments
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